On March 13, 2012, the City of Bedford and the County of Bedford submitted to the Commission on Local Government for review a proposed voluntary settlement agreement negotiated by the two jurisdictions under the authority of Section 15.2‐3400 of the Code of Virginia.1 Consistent with the regulations promulgated by the Commission, the submission was accompanied by data and materials supporting the proposed agreement. Further, and in accordance with the Commission’s regulation 1 VAC 50‐20‐230 (C), the City and County gave notice of the proposed agreement to 17 other political subdivisions with which they are contiguous or with which they share functions, revenues, or tax sources.2 The proposed agreement contains provisions for (1) the transition of the City to town status within the County; (2) the immediate incorporation of certain territory into the new Town’s boundaries; (3) a simplified process for the potential incorporation of additional areas into the Town in the future; (4) a framework for a potential merger of the water and sewer operations of the City and the Bedford County Public Service Authority; (5) a waiver of certain annexation rights; and (6) for other matters.3 In conjunction with its review of the proposed settlement agreement, on May 14, 2012, the Commission toured relevant sections of the City of Bedford and Bedford County and met in the City to receive oral testimony from the two jurisdictions in support of the agreement. That evening, the Commission held a public hearing, advertised in accordance with Section 15.2‐ 2907 (B) of the Code of Virginia, for the purpose of receiving citizen comment. The public hearing was attended by approximately 50 persons, and four individuals testified. In order to permit receipt of additional public comment, the Commission agreed to keep its record open for written submissions through May 29, 2012. The Commission received written comments from seven individuals.
City of Bedford and Bedford County Voluntary Settlement Agreement

Big Island HighwayFrom existing Town limit northward to Little Otter River
Coolbrook RoadFrom existing Town limit to terminus of street
Earnhart Drive1100 Earnhart Drive only
Essex Road
Forest RoadFrom existing Town limit eastward to Little Otter River
Garrets Lane
Grandview Road
Green Meadow Road
Heritage Court
High Acre Road
Hopes Way
Jefferson TerraceFrom existing Town limit eastward to terminus of street
Little Otter Drive
Mockingbird Circle
North Branch Road
Oakwood StreetFrom existing Town limit northward to terminus of street
On Time Road
Peakland Court
Peaks Road (Eastern Side)From existing Town limit northward to 2699 Peaks Road (inclusive)
Poindexter LaneFrom existing to limit eastward to terminus of street
Redland Farm Road
Rock Castle Road
Roundtree Drive
Route 122 NorthFrom existing Town limit northward to Little Otter River
Route 221 EastFrom existing Town limit eastward to Little Otter River
Route 43 NorthFrom existing Town limit northward to 2699 Peaks Road (inclusive)
Ruff Drive
Stratford Drive
Vista Circle
Vistarama Lane
Wellington Drive
Wildwood Drive
Windy Ridge Drive
Woodcreek Road
Woodhaven Drive
From existing Town limit/intersection with Coolbrook Road northward to 806 Woodhaven Drive (inclusive with the exception of 800 Woodhaven Drive)
Wycliffe Street